Sunday, January 6, 2013

We Survived

Well, we survived the first 3 days back!  I'm kind of grateful it wasn't a full week.  We had inside recess all day on Friday and that can get to everybody!  We did enjoy wearing our pajamas and watching 'The Polar Express' though!  I even surprised them with a hot chocolate treat!

We will be collecting items for the PTO gift baskets.  Our theme is S'mores.  More information will be in the newsletter so look for it there. You can send in any item that you like that goes with S'mores.  Since I am a BIG pinterest fan, I have learned to try new things on my S'mores.  Have you ever tried different candy bars?  Have you ever tried roasting a rolo inside your marshmallow?  I have BIG plans for this summer's camp fires.  I may even just roast them over the grill for fun to try these great ideas.

Looking forward to a full week of learning and fun!