Monday, February 27, 2012

Better Late than Never

Sorry I didn't get to this last week, but I didn't get the chance and I really wanted you to see the fun that we had in class with 100s day and Valentine's Day!  We made some fun hats, did a number hunt, graphed candy hearts, and delivered our mail to some VERY creative looking mailboxes!!  Way to go.  The pictures say it all!!
Nolah's Flippy, Floppy, Floopy Fun Hat

Parker's Valentine Box

Alexis's Valentine Box

Jason's Valentine Box

We also made portraits of ourselves looking like we are 100 years old!!  This is how they turned out:

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Your Hearts Pumpin' When You're Jumpin'

We had a BLAST at Jump Rope for Heart on Friday!  There was much improvement in their jumping in the hour and 15 minutes that the class jumped.  We were able to raise over $10,000 for the American Heart Association with your help.  Thank you so much for supporting this cause!! Here are some action shots from the day!

Logan A.
Jumping with the long rope is fun and more than one person can jump at a time!
Analiese and Nolah try doing the butterfly where you link up jump ropes and jump together!
Kahli is working really hard at trying to master THE CROSS OVER!


Analiese was the lucky winner of a parachute ball.  Her name was drawn from the returned collection forms.  Way to go Analiese!!

                          My AMAZING class of jumpers (all waiting patiently for a popsicle!)!!

Saturday, February 4, 2012

JumP Rope for Heart Friday!!

I am super excited for Jump Rope for Heart on Friday!  If you have a chance to join us it's from 9:00-10:15!!  It is a lot of fun!!  Please be sure to send your child in the appropriate clothing for this event:  shorts, jogging pants, t-shirts!!  I can't wait to post pictures!

I am sending empty kleenex boxes home today for you to decorate with your child for their valentine boxes to put their cards in.  The sky is the limit on these!!  Be creative!! You may use wrapping paper, paper, paint, glitter, tin foil, stickers, googley eyes, etc.  You may make it into whatever you would like.  It could be a monster, a mailbox, a cat, even you!  The only requirement is that it has to have your child's name on it and it has to be back on or before Valentine's Day!  Have fun with it!!