Sunday, January 11, 2015

It's Assessment week

I can't believe that we are half way through this school year already!!!  That means that we will be doing our mid-year testing this week.  Please be sure to have your child here and well rested so that we can obtain the best possible results.

Thursday and Friday are half days!!  Please keep this in mind when planning for the week.

We are collecting donations for themed baskets to raffle off for PTO fundraiser.  The first grade theme is snacks.  These can be any snacks that are non-parishible.  You can send them in with your child and I can get them to the right person.  Thanks for supporting the PTO!!

Please remember to dress your child for the cold weather.  You never know when it will be warm enough for them to go outside, so always be prepared is my motto!!!

Sunday, January 4, 2015

Happy New Year!

I hope that everyone had a great 2 weeks off!!  I know I did!!  I'm a little bummed that the snow came at the end.  Oh, well, that means lots of snow on the playground!!!

Here's a peek back at our December fun:

We made some yummy gingerbread houses.  I hope they made it home without being eaten so that you could see their creations.  We had a lot of fun!!

We celebrated 2 half birthdays!!

At our Christmas party we played some minute to win it games.  I think we all had fun watching and participating!!  Even the helpers had to get involved!!

Here's to a brand new year!!  I can't wait to see what 2015 has in store for all of us!!  See you on Monday!