Monday, May 28, 2012

Surprise Day Fun

Surprise Day was a hit!!  It wasn't easy...My youngest daughter Brecken woke up in the middle of the night with the flu.  So, needless to say, my husband and I had a dilema on our hands.  I was up most of the night taking care of her.  The best plans that we could come up with were to split the day so that I could still do Surprise Day with the class.  So, I took the morning off and he took the afternoon off.  I had to go to school in the morning to get sub plans around and let the class know I was going to be gone in the morning but would be back in the afternoon for a surprise that you and I had planned for them.  I had put all the letters in a big red, shiny box and put it in the front of the room.  The rules for the sub were that if anyone touched the box or misbehaved that they wouldn't be able to participate in the surprise.  I can truly say that was one of the best sub reports that I had all year!!  They were so excited about the box!!  I gave them clues throughout the afternoon about what was in the box until it was time to open it.  Some of the clues were:  There was something in there for everyone, They came from near and far, They were shaped like recangles, etc.  I gave them clues until someone guessed that it was mail.  Then I had them all go to their reading spots and I played mail carrier and delivered their mail.  They all opened and read their mail.  They were very excited to see what they had gotten.  Thank you so much for participating!

Mileage Club:  Mileage Club has ended for the year.  Thanks so much for those of you who helped make that a success.  It was a success once again!!  Over 2,100 miles were traveled.  We had 2 marathoners in our class.  Analiese was our first followed by Nathan!  Way to go to all who participated this year!!

This week's newsletter is the last newsletter of the year.  It contains all the end of the year information so don't lose it!!  I will keep it posted on my BLOG as well!!  Here's what the rest of the year looks like.  I can't believe it's the end all ready!!

Fun to Be Fit is this Friday!!!  We still need about 40 juice boxes and 4 dozen cookies if you can get those here by Wednesday that would be great!!  If you plan on coming the run starts at 1:00 p.m.  If your child has ordered a t-shirt he/she will receive it on race day.  SO looking forward to this SUPER fun day.  If you get the chance to get a couple of hours off of work it's quite the thing to see!!

Track and Field Day:  Our Track and Field Day is Tuesday, June 5th.  We are beginning promptly at 12:30 and will go until 2:30.  I believe that this is different than years past.  I haven't received any more information than this and I'm a little out of the loop myself but this is what the memo said that I received from Mrs. Kelley.  Please watch the weather and make sure that your little kiddo is dressed properly and has a water bottle and sunscreen if needed.  It can be hot up on the track and there is not any shade!! 

Field Trip:  We will be going to the Carl T. Johnson Center for our end of the year field trip.  This is always a fun trip believe it or not!!  They have an interesting museum inside the center, archery, and we get to go fishing on the canal.   We will be leaving school at 10:45 and having lunch at Kenwood Park and playing for a little while before heading over to the Carl T. Johnson Center at 12:00.  We will be back at school at 2:30.  If you would like to join us, please remember to check the box at the top of the field trip note that I sent home and send that back to me.  

I think I have given an update on all of the crazy happenings of the major events!! I have a few fun classroom events up my sleeves but those I plan on keeping a secret and low key until the right moment...if you know what I mean:)

Monday, May 14, 2012

Don't Forget Surprise Mail

Don't forget about surprise mail.  It's coming up on May 25. 
Keep those letters coming in.  Below is how many pieces of mail I have received so far for your child.  Remember it's not about how many pieces of mail your child gets but about every child getting at least one piece of mail!!

Your child’s name
Mrs. Gilde’s First Grade
McBain Elementary School
107 East Maple Street
McBain, MI  49657

Logan A. 2                                Emma   8                     
Isaac    3                                  Logan S.  0
Alexis  0                                  Jason  0
Haley   2                                  Justin   1
Drake   0                                  Mackenzie  0
Analiese  0                               Parker  6
Michael  2                                Nathan  1
Paige    6                                  Elizabeth  1
Nolah   5                                  Zoey  4
Savannah  1                              Regan  9
Kahli  0

Fun to Be Fit is coming up on June 1st.  We did not receive the grant this year which provided a lot of the things that we had last year.   We need to have supplies provided to make this a super special day.  Here's what we need donated:  50 juice boxes, 4 dozen store bought (these won't crumble or break) cookies, and I need 1-2 volunteers to be up at the track who can identify my students so that when they finish they can direct them to where they need to go because I will be out running with the rest of the class.  Thank you so much for helping make this a great success!!