Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Happy New Year!!

Wow!!  2013!!  Happy New Year to all of you!  I hope that everyone had a restful vacation.  We had a bonus 2 extra days!  Those were nice, for me anyway!  We are the luckiest class because we had our party before the snowstorm hit and we don't have to plan on it this week!  I feel lucky anyway!  We will plan on having our pajama afternoon on Friday while the other classes are doing their Christmas parties.  We will plan on wearing our PJs for only the afternoon though.  So, pack those PJs and we will change after lunch.  If anything changes, I will send a note home. 

We had a lot of fun at our Christmas party though.  We played some Minute-to-Win-It games.  I think everyone had a fun time. Here is a picture from one of the games we played.  Some of the other games we played were Face the Cookie.  Players had to move a cookie from their forehead to their mouths only using their facial muscles.  We also had tissue paper fish that they had to use a plate to get into a basket a few feet away.  Some students had to suck a bean to a straw and carry it to a cup on another table.  We had a lot of fun and everyone was a good sport while we played the games!!
Addean doing nose dive.  She had vaseline on her nose and had to transfer cotton balls from one place to another using only her nose!!

We also went to the post office and mailed our letters to Santa.  Good thing we did this before the snow storm or our letters would have been late!!

I can't wait to see what this new year brings with this class.  I hope it will be even more fun than the beginning of the year has been!  I'm looking forward to it!