Sunday, October 4, 2015

October news week 1

We had a pretty good start to October already!!  We have taken down our No David School Rules and put up some crazy looking pumpkins!  There are no two pumpkins alike in the pumpkin patch and there are definitely no two pumpkins alike in our class either!  Looking forward to a fun filled October!

We are starting a new unit in math.  It's all about adding and the strategies that we use to do this.

We are starting book it this month as well.  There will be a calendar coming home with your child.  They need to read 50 minutes a week to earn a Pizza Hut coupon.  Please be sure to turn this in the first week of November in order to get your coupon.

We will be taking a field trip to Geers farm later this month.  There will be more information coming home letting you know the details!

Halloween is at the end of the month.  I will be sending home information about this as well!!

If you have filled out a sheet to volunteer, I will be contacting you this month to set up a time!