Thursday, April 11, 2013

Welcome back!

I hope that everyone enjoyed their spring break.  It's always nice to have a little break around this time of the year.  We are in the long haul until summer vacation with lots to learn!!!  We have started the countdown to the last day of school.  We are at 41 more days!!  It will be here before we know it!

A few announcements:

3rd grade book store will be on Tuesday.  Books are 25 cents to $2.  Please make sure you put your child's money in an envelope with his/her name on it.  This money goes to help pay for a field trip at the end of the year.

We received and email today informing us that we do have to make up a day of school and therefore the last day of school is now Monday, June 10.  It will be a full day.

Mileage club starts Monday!!  Yay!  Hopefully the playground and the weather will cooperate!

Kaden is the first one to make it to 200 books read with his reading journal!!!!  He earned himself a Butterfinger candy bar!!  Way to read, Kaden!!