Monday, March 12, 2012

Lots to BLOG about!!

WOW!! March is definitely a CRAZY month for sure.  Not only is the weather outside crazy but reading month is keeping us all busy inside. 

We had fun reading at the beach last Friday.  I will post all reading month pictures at one time.  That will be easiest I think.  We wore our beach hats as well.  This Friday we are going to be wearing our sunglasses so don't foget to send those with your child!!

Here are some other tidbits of information:
If you haven't turned in your Fun-To-Be-Fit form in....Please get that in ASAP!!  That is a super fun day that you don't want to miss out on!!

If you weren't at the Cup Stacking Tournament on Saturday you missed out!!  It was a super fun time.  Mrs. Kelley says some new school records were set.  Check out her BLOG by going to the teacher pages and finding her name!!  Analiese in our class brought home a few medals.  Way to go Analiese!! 

Book Fair:  Oh yes, it's here!!  We will be shopping one week and purchasing the next week.  It's in the news letter but here are the dates:  shopping Friday, March 23 and purchasing March 29!!

3rd graders are also having a book store of their own to raise money for a field trip.  This will be in the next newsletter. 

See I told you March was CRAZY!!!