Sunday, March 13, 2016

New for March 14-18

             Mrs. Gildes News
March 14-18

This week’s topics:
·      Pretest on unit 6
·      Time and the hour hand only
·      More 2-digit number stories
·      Explorations
·      Introducing near doubles

This week we are starting a new unit on Addition Fact Strategies.  We will be talking a little about telling time.  We start with only the hour hand at first teaching them how to read that and then we introduce the minute hand.

This week we got to research online using a safe sight called Kidrex.  The kids loved it!!  Their end goal this past week was to find 5 facts about their animals.  They were able to no problem.  This week we will start putting it all into a document using Show Me.  Can’t wait to see how they do with this!!

Unit 4 Week 5
“Working with Animals”
This week’s Essential Question:  How do people work with animals?

This week’s vocabulary words: career, soothe, remarkable, advice, trust

comprehension skill:  Connections Within Text: sequence
comprehension strategy:  visualize

key, sandy, bumpy, my, puppy, night, funny, penny

Reading folder 10 minutes each night.  Be sure to write it on the calendar for a free personal pizza at the end of the month.

Home links: Tuesday-Friday

Spelling test:  Spelling test on Friday


The end of the marking period is fast approaching.  It will end on April 1.  Report cards will come home after spring break.  We will be having parent teacher conferences but only for those kids who I think need one or if you would like to meet with me as well.  They are only as needed in the spring.   Let me know if you would like to meet with me and I can have that arranged.

Important Dates:

PE:  Mondays and Fridays
Music:  Wednesday

March 17:  Dress up in camping green for St. Patrick’s DayIrish Dance Assembly
March 18:  Mismatch Day Donuts with Dad @ 7:15
March 21:  Delayed Start
March 21:  Alex’s birthday
March 24:  Read with a flashlight
March 25:  Good Friday- No school
March 28:  Read with a  flashlight
April 1:  Camp Out Day Pajamas, trail mix, and a movie
April 3-8:  No school Spring Break