Sunday, November 30, 2014

December Already!!!

Well, I can honestly say that I have had turkey everyday since Thanksgiving day!!  I feel like it's the never ending bag of turkey!!  I made a delicious soup with it today so I got to have a different twist on things!  It was yummy too!

I hope that we all had a great Thanksgiving.  We have 3 full weeks (unless mother nature would like to plan a snow day for us) until Christmas!!  Love December and all the craziness that keeps us busy!  We will be busy too!  We have gifts to make and an elf to keep an eye on!!  Or maybe it's the other way around.....We will also be making gingerbread houses.  I will need a few volunteers for this, as it can get a little crazy!  I love how they turn out though!   I will be sending home information about this as well as the Christmas party this week.

We had a great feast on Wednesday!  We ate our corn bread muffins that we made on Tuesday and we had popcorn and a birthday treat as well.  It was a feast (more like Charlie Brown's, but we didn't care!!)

We got to enjoy celebrating with Lauren as well.  She turned 7 years old on Sunday, but we celebrated early with a turkey treat!  It was delicious and adorable!!  Happy Birthday Lauren!!