Sunday, February 23, 2014

Sorry it's been so long!

It has been a while since I have updated my blog and I want to apologize.  I didn't think anyone was reading it, so I stopped updating it because it takes a while to do.

So, here is an update from February.  We welcomed our student teacher Sarah Sluiter.  She is fitting in well.  We also jumped our hearts out for jump rope for heart.  We raised $11,000!!  Thanks for supporting this cause.

We also celebrated Valentine's Day on the same day!  It was busy for sure.  Here's a look at some of our Valentine boxes!  They turned out great!!

Last week we celebrated 100s day.  I found an app for my ipad called Old Fart Photo Booth.  You can take any picture and add years to it.  So, I gave all the kids a glimpse at what they would look like 100 years from now.  It was entertaining for sure!!!

We also made some capes to wear with 100 things.  I will have to post those later.  My ipad needs charging and the pictures need to be!

Next month starts reading month (actually next week).  We are doing a Dr. Suess theme this year!!  Be looking for notes and special celebrations to be coming home throughout the month!