Monday, January 2, 2012

Christmas Activities

We had a very fun last days before school let out before Christmas break.  We were able to enjoy a walk to the post office to mail our letters to Santa, mom and dad, or even grandma and grandpa.  We celebrated Christmas by playing Minute To Win It games and doing a gift exchange.  On Wednesday we got to wear our pajamas to school and watch a movie while enjoying hot chocolate and popcorn.  Here's what it looked like.
Go Fish - use a paper plate to get a tissue paper fist into the basket

There She Blows:  use a straw to blow the cup across the table

Nose Dive: Put vaseline on your nose and transfer cotton balls from your table to a plate across the room using only your nose.

 Bean There Done That:  Use a straw to transfer a bean from your table to a cup at another table

Noodling Around:  Use a spaghetti noodle to pick up 6 penne noodles off the table using only the spaghetti noodle and your mouth

Face the Cookie:  Put a cookie on your forehead and using only your facial expressions move it to your mouth


We walked to the post office and mailed letters to Santa.  The weather was balmy for this time of year.

Fine young men ready for the Christmas Program

Beautiful young ladies!!

I just love seeing all these nicely dressed happy faces!!

Wow!!  What a great looking group of young men and ladies!!  They all sang wonderfully and put on a great show!!