Sunday, November 27, 2011

New Classroom Happenings!!

I hope that you all had a great Thanksgiving weekend!  I know that I did.  I love spending the time with family and doing some shopping and holiday decorating.  It also gives me some time to catch up a little at school where I have fallen behind.  I have made some big changes in our classroom!!  The class is going to be very surprised when they walk into the door in the morning.  They are going to wonder if they are in the right classroom!! Here are some pictures of the updates that I made!!  

This is the new writing center.  These tables are nice and low to the ground so the students should love sitting down by them to do some writing!

This is the new Buddy Reading Station.  Pairs of students can choose to read on either side of the book case. 

This is the new place to sign out for the bathroom.

This is our Word Study Area.  The students will love that they won't have to take the activities back to their seats!!

I put up the Chirstmas tree in the Gazebo.  Here's what the Gazebo looks like all lit up!  Do you think they will like it??  I'm almost positive they will!

I apologize for not sending home our Thanksgiving art projects, but I just couldn't let them go!!  I didn't want to see an empty hallway!!  We had a lot of fun with Ms. Grogan making our holiday turkeys.   Here's how they turned out:

Last week we discussed what it was like to be a pilgrim boy and a pilgrim girl.  We made a Venn diagram comparing what it was like then to what it is like now.  Our list didn't even fit into our diagram.  I had to stop the class because we ran out of room!!! They did an amazing job comparing themselves to pilgrim boys and girls.  We then made pilgrim boys and girls and wrote what we would do if we would have been a pilgrim.  Here's how they turned out:

The halls are once again empty.  However, we will be writing letters to Santa that we will display in the hall and we will be making Christmas carolers out of empty toilet paper rolls (which each child will need to supply! - more information to follow).  I can't wait to get started on all of our projects!!  If there is anyone who would like to help, please let me know.  I would still like to have at least 2 more people to help with the Gingerbread houses on December 9.  Let me know!!