Monday, October 28, 2013

Have we been busy!!!

I am finding it really hard to find time (remember) to update this every week!!  There is so much happening right now in our classroom!  We have been celebrating birthdays, having fun Friday, taking tests, learning new apps.  I could go on and on!!!

Here are a few highlites from the past few weeks:

We finished our first unit of study in Reader's Workshop and were able to invite a guest reader into our classroom to read to us.  We also wrote a reading compact that we all signed.

Mrs. Huttenga was our guest reader.  She read 'Enemy Pie' to us.  This is one of my favorite books.  Just ask the kids, I have LOTS of favorites!!  Too many good books out there.

This is our Reading Compact that we all signed.  This is hanging under the willow tree so that we can see it everyday.

We enjoyed celebrating Eli and Max's birthdays as well!


For our fun Friday, we did some painting with leaves and sponges.  I think our paintings turned out pretty good.  Oh, did I mention that in the middle of our painting the fire alarm went off?!  Yes, this was pretty exciting.  Mrs. VandePol also donated some Halloween foam crafts.  We hung these on the lockers!!  Thanks Mrs. VandePol!





Here are the foam Halloween choices that we got to create for our lockers:

We have some exciting news that we got today too!  We are pen pals with a first grade class in Clare!!!  We received our first email message today and got to see the students and meet the teachers.  We will be sending an email back this week and we have started creating Halloween cards for them!  We can't wait to  be in contact with our friends this year.  Hopefully we can do some skyping with them as well!!

Saturday, October 12, 2013

Field Trip To Hoxie's Farm Market

We had a great time at Hoxie's Farm Market.  The apples, donuts, and cider were delicious!!!  We learned a lot about pollination from the bees and that you can get 10 pumpkins from 1 seed!!  Crazy!!  We also learned that this farm has been in the family for 5 generations!  That's another amazing thing!!
Here are some highlights from our trip!!


I love taking pictures and I saw at the field trip that many of you did as well.  However, we need to keep in mind that not everyone puts (or wants) pictures of their kids on Facebook.  We need to be mindful of this when we are taking pictures at school functions.  Please think about who may be in the pictures that you want to share.  It's probably best to only post pictures of your own child.  Thanks for keeping this in mind!!